Clothes are much more than fashion and insulation - they are 'telling the world about you'. The shapes and colours of your clothes are interacting with your body language. Clothes will either enhance, play down or 'contrdict' the bodily 'informations' which are telling other people whom they are facing. Hence you might have been associated with values you do not really represent only because your style 'messages' are 'pulling in a wrong direction'. Choosing you clothes is not only a question of matching them to your skin tone and hair colour - they should match your inner personality. | Style
Coaching is based on personal expressions; your fundamental ideas, your
pictorial expression as well as your body language. Your body language
will be analyzed as if you were a 'renaissance painting' in order to
verify the natural focus points on your body. These points will work to
your advantage when emphasized by your clothes and your outside will
reflect your inner personality together with your many assets. |
A couple of reactions to Style Coachings
performed by Høskuldsson Design:
"...... The collage along with a photo of my silhuette came together in K.M.H.'s sketches as a means to disclose the ideas, the body language and the lines which will enhance my personality. At the end of the process I received a lot of carefully worked out (and very nice to look at) suggestions for styles, choices of materials, colours and shapes which will be an invaluable assistance for future purchases. With this fantastic guidance it will be a lot easier to avoid mistakes when buying clothes which in the long run will save me money. And last but not least I can avoid the feeling that my choice of clothes is "overriding" what I want to say."Marianne Früdenreich |
"I see Style Coaching as a splendid means for creating an awareness of
one's own effects when it comes to dressing. As a psycologist I often
find people sending out hazy signals, either because they are not in
tune with their emotions - or because they dare not stand by
themselves. A Style Coaching will give you an over-all view of how your
clothes can enhance or play down certain 'messages' - depending on what
you would like to emphasize. A Style Coaching will get you 'dressed and ready' in more than one way: not only will you become aware of what suits you - but on a personal level you will also realize why it suits you. It suits you because it is in tune with you as a person. If the way you dress on the outside is in line with your emotional expressions it gives you credibility......."Karen Marie Diedrichsen |